Have a Reason for Creating Wealth
It does not matter if you are ten years old with a lemonade stand or 45 with the responsibilities of an entrepreneur, creating wealth has been on our minds for a long time. We have been taunted by it, challenged by it, confused by it. But we have never given up on it. Wealth is in our blood, a passion we hold tight to our chest. Then one day the penny drops and we realize that by sharing the knowledge of creating wealth we can improve our own position tenfold.

So wealth is many things;
- Wealth is a gift, a gift like no other.
- Wealth is an investment in yourself .
- Knowledge.
- Feel the power that wealth conceals.
- It may shape your destiny.
- Enjoy the idea of wealth.
- Learn, that what is in your hands is a direct result of what is in your head.
- Pay it forward to your children, if nothing else you owe then the knowledge of creating wealth.
The Million Dollar Question
For some of us, letting go of this knowledge can be painful. Do we really want others to have what we have? Will the reciprocates of our knowledge use it for good or evil? Or the million dollar question: Will they use the knowledge at all?
Make a Decision Today
Creating wealth can be as easy or hard as you want it to be. Sometimes it can happen quickly, other times it may take a lifetime. To some wealth is not monetized, it is personnel. You, only you, can decide what your destiny will hold, how wealth will effect your life, your family, you. Everyday we make the personal decision of whether we will be rich , middle class or poor. Your future is decided upon by your choice. make the right choice for you and your wildest dreams may come true. Who are you today?
Knowledge is Power
A lot of us take things for granted. You know the thoughts you have when your down on your luck (poor) the world owes you a favor, you feel inadequate. Your afraid of losing, so what happens, you lose.
Then there is the majority of the worlds population (middle class) that think it is just to much work and place creating wealth in the too hard basket, so what happens, you lose slowly.
Now we have that small five percent minority (rich) that wake up every morning and choose to pay themselves first. I can hear your thoughts, how can I pay myself first when I have a pile of overdue bills. Am I missing something? Well, yes, wealth is not just about money or possessions, wealth is just as much about the journey.
Try this. As you wake up in the morning and place both feet on the ground ask yourself, what will I learn today that will make me a better person? Now all you do is take action. Simple, maybe to simple as that figure of 5% of society are rich has not change for decades. The problem is the belief you have in yourself.

Try this; have a child read you the story of “The Tortoise and the Hare” . Ask them to explain the story to you. Consider the explanation and thank them for helping you understand what needs to be done. Now we can move on with our journey.
Small steps grow into leaps and bounds.
Craig Hiscox