How To Own Your Life?
Having a home based business has it’s advantages over the accepted norm of an adults working life. The majority of the worlds working population find themselves as a spoke in the wheel of others lives. The question is, can you escape, break free from that wheel? Can you Own Your Life?
The answer is not as simple as you may think, as there are a lot of things to consider:
- How do I start a home based business?
- What does it mean to own your life?
- Why is mobility so important?
- Is a home based business really for me?
- Move out of my comfort zone, forget it.
For now lets take a look at getting our head around the concept of “own your life”.
The Big Picture Requires Action.
From the moment we wake in the morning we need to take action to complete the most meaningless tasks. How hard is it to get out of bed and take your position in the wheel belonging to others? Would it be so much more worth while to get up knowing that you are at the helm of that wheel, steering it in the direction that you want it to go knowing that you can let go any time and the wheel will roll in the direction you pointed only requiring slight adjustments from afar. This is a small part of the freedom you have when you own your life.
Dreams – Thought’s – Actions – Results.
Everybody’s big picture is different, though the action required to grasp the concept of “Own Your Life” can be no different then the person sitting next to you.
Try this: find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for ten minutes. Now, give yourself permission to do something Grand in life. The dream you are having (yes you can dream while being awake) is the key to own your life.
Automatically you will move to thought which is the mechanism we use to either complicate or simplify dreams. List your thoughts. This list will become your road-map. Now the hard bit, this is where only the strong will survive.
Action stations. It is true, every action will cause an opposite or equal reaction. No action and surprise surprise nothing happens. Let’s make it easy, here is a secret that will give you a head start over all others. “Do everything as if you have already won.”
Results will come, maybe only as a trickle at first (small wins) then repeat, repeat, the trickle becomes a stream, repeat, learn, repeat and the floodgates will eventually open. Constantly you are winning.
Trust The Process.
Ask yourself to rise above the ordinary, be extraordinary. Celebrate any confusion you have as this has brought you a step closer to trusting the process. Once you trust the process of Dream – Thought – Action – Result, you will own your life.
Craig Hiscox.
Hi Craig,
Dream. Think. Act. Owning your own life is a great message to put out there, people truly do have dreams becoming results all around us, we just may not know it. Fantastic video, and great efforts to display it! well done mate.
Thank’s Sean. I have made a decision to own my life and do you know, it is like a weight taken off my shoulders.
Hello Craig,
Sure is about the mindset – anything is possible with the right mind. All you need is a big why, and a idea of how to move forward!
Taking action with dreams is very powerful. Anyone can be living, its a matter of asking the right questions 🙂