Use It or Lose It: The New Digital Marketer.
Welcome to Use It or Lose It, the new digital marketing momentum. In this series of posts we are going to be looking at the current state of digital marketing and some hot upcoming trends that will assist in keeping you moving forward in your digital marketing online efforts.
Like you I am passionate about all forms of digital marketing and over the years have accumulated a mass of experience. The goal of this series of posts will be to cut through a lot of the negativity being published about digital marketing and give you the real scoop on best practices in order to boost your business. So with the aid of my guest blogger Liam we will be taking a look under the hood to discover the power available to the new digital marketer. Here is Liam!
Hi, this is great, I just love it when marketers fall onto new concepts that are easy to execute. There will be a ton of information about the new digital marketer to share with you in this series.
Change Today, Prosper Tomorrow.
You would have to agree that one of the most exciting things about digital marketing is the constant changes that arise in each process, each method of marketing. What worked yesterday more then likely will not work today without subtle changes. What is just around the corner could make or break your business.
Sometimes you may feel as though you are constantly trying to play catch up with other companies who seem to ‘understand’ digital marketing better than you. Look this is natural, not only for the new business owner but be happy to know that old die hard’s with decades of experience go through the same problems as you.
The New Head Of The Table.
Now would be the time to put your customer at the head of the table. The secret to successful sales and marketing is to connect with your target audience, to give them what they want, the way they want it and then add a bit of a bonus to sweeten the deal and keep the conversation about your business open.
In all cases, this will mean broadening your marketing message and increasing its accessibility by making sure your messaging is mobile-friendly and visible where your niche audience spends their time. Be Social.
Spread The Love.
Targeting the sites and devices your ideal customer in your niche uses most often is like fishing in a pond you already know is full of fish. All you have to do is offer the right bait and re-target. The more people that see your content online in a range of places and formats being social sites, blogs or even podcasts, the more they will become familiar with your brand and business. And the more they see you online in a range of locations, the more they will feel they know you, and can trust you.
In this series, I’m going to outline a number of ways to market effectively in the new digital space. I’ll start with new digital marketing basics in the next post.
So lets get started.
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